Debate Championship 2024

School's ECO Club & Literary Club organized Inter-School Debate Championship 2024. The event was graced by Ms. Rashmi Singh (Life Coach) & Mr. Abhishek Gupta (Automobile Engineer) as Esteemed Judges. Six reputed schools all over Pune participated in the Competition. Sardar Dastur Boys High School ranked first & CES's Dr Cyrus S Poonawalla Eng Med High School CBSE ranked second. It was a Day of Great Learning!! Following schools participated in the Debate Championship 2024. 1. CES's Dr Cyrus S Poonawalla Eng Med High School CBSE 2.The Kalyani School 3.The HDFC School 4. Epiphany School 5. PAI Public School 6. Sardar Dastur Boys High School